Louis Cremen
Developer. Security Guy. Currently reading the internet. ❤️ innovation and NeuroTech. @proxyblue
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @proxyblue's 5 stories for 9 months 29 days 13 hours and 17 minutes.
SoftTeco, Software Development Company: Web & Mobile Development, Machine Learning, Data Science
Kevin Masur, Software Engineer with a focus on Java, Testing, CI/CD, Databases, and Web Development
Franz Rodenacker, Product Design, Usability and UX, Frontend Development
Roman Storozhenko, My only real passion has always been system programming. I work in Linux kernel and IoT development. RISC-V enthusiast
Vitaly Sharovatov, Pragmatic humanist. 13 years of JS development, 7 years being a teamlead and consultant. Love sports and cats.